Amazing Natural Oils to Consider for Our Skin

Often, we are lazy to look for the right product in maintaining our look and appearance. Taking the first “convincing” beauty product in the supermarket or beauty store might have been common habit especially for busy women who often have little time to do anything else, which is very understandable. However, do we know thatContinue reading “Amazing Natural Oils to Consider for Our Skin”

Olive Oil: Excellent for Preparing Dishes, Miraculous for Perfecting Beauty

The excellence of olive oil to prepare dishes is not a news anymore. A lot of people use it for salad dressing or pasta condiment to make a healthy choice, especially Italian people. Nevertheless, olive oil has already been considered around the globe as one of the healthiest alimentary products. The extra virgin olive oilContinue reading “Olive Oil: Excellent for Preparing Dishes, Miraculous for Perfecting Beauty”

Be Youthful with Few Excellent Steps

For women, the most important thing is to look fabulous and youthful. Unfortunately, after having reached certain age, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain healthy skin without any imperfection. Wrinkles, dark spots, dark circles around the eyes, dry skin and some other issues become annoying problems that exist on our skin. When weContinue reading “Be Youthful with Few Excellent Steps”

Benefiting from a Magic Tea: Hibiscus (Roselle)

The plant named Roselle or also known with the name Hibiscus comes from West Africa. The flowers of the plant have the colour of reddish purple and they usually take half year to be mature. This dried sheaths later can be made into a tea product recognised as Rosella tea. In addition to its originalContinue reading “Benefiting from a Magic Tea: Hibiscus (Roselle)”

Health Benefits of Consuming Papaya

When I was still living in Indonesia, it was very easy for me to get fresh papaya to eat daily. Not only it is available in any type of market, from traditional markets to modern supermarkets, the price of this fruit is also very affordable, as it is a tropical fruit that is common inContinue reading “Health Benefits of Consuming Papaya”