Benefiting from a Magic Tea: Hibiscus (Roselle)

The plant named Roselle or also known with the name Hibiscus comes from West Africa. The flowers of the plant have the colour of reddish purple and they usually take half year to be mature. This dried sheaths later can be made into a tea product recognised as Rosella tea. In addition to its originalContinue reading “Benefiting from a Magic Tea: Hibiscus (Roselle)”

Health Benefits of Consuming Papaya

When I was still living in Indonesia, it was very easy for me to get fresh papaya to eat daily. Not only it is available in any type of market, from traditional markets to modern supermarkets, the price of this fruit is also very affordable, as it is a tropical fruit that is common inContinue reading “Health Benefits of Consuming Papaya”

Powerful Health Benefits of Grapes

To tell honestly, grapes are the fruit that I eat both because I like them and because they are healthy. I remember I once said that the reason why I eat apples is for the fact that I know how healthy they are. However, this is not the case with grapes, as I love alsoContinue reading “Powerful Health Benefits of Grapes”

Why You Should Start Consuming Bean Sprouts

Commonly eaten in Asia, bean sprouts are the vegetables that I ate the most when I still lived in Indonesia. I remember I could even eat the whole plate of bean sprouts cooked with salt, corn oil and garlic without adding carbs, mostly only with tofu or mushrooms. However, do you know how healthy thisContinue reading “Why You Should Start Consuming Bean Sprouts”

An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away?

We keep hearing this phrase over and over again. In this case, the phrase simply expresses how healthy the apples are. By eating an apple daily, we’re guaranteed to receive a lot of health benefits that will reduce the possibility of us getting ill or going to doctor to cure diseases. Apples are included inContinue reading “An Apple a Day Keeps Doctor Away?”